Protect Your Work: The Ultimate Aftercare Routine for PMU Artists
As permanent makeup artists, we're not just creating beauty in the moment—our true success is defined by how well our work heals. The after-photos on Instagram? Sure, they can be impressive, but the real question is: how does your work look on a day-to-day basis? Because, let’s face it, our clients are our walking billboards, and our healed work is what they’re showing off to the world.
Why Aftercare is Everything
The healing process starts the second we introduce any kind of trauma to the skin—whether it’s a microbladed stroke or the needlework for powder brows. And here’s where it gets real: if we don’t properly educate our clients on aftercare, all that hard work can literally fade away. That's why this course exists—to help you protect your work and set your clients up for long-term success.

The Role of Lymphatic Fluid (AKA Brow Juice)
So, let’s talk about lymphatic fluid (yep, that cute little bead of liquid we keep wiping away during the procedure). This stuff, also known as “lymph” or, my favorite term, “brow juice,” is your body's way of healing. It kicks into gear as soon as we make the first stroke, and our immune system works overtime to protect the skin. But here’s the thing—if we don’t stay on top of cleaning up this fluid, it hardens. And you know what comes next? Yuck. A thick, crusty scab that not only looks gross but can actually pull pigment away from the skin.
Blot that lymph!
And we all know how tempting it is for clients to pick at scabs (despite our best warnings). That’s why you, as the artist, need to stay ahead of the game by blotting away that lymph during the procedure—and making sure your client knows to keep blotting for an hour afterward. I recommend they blot every 5 minutes with a paper towel or Kleenex. Trust me, a firm press is what gets the job done, not just a light tap!
Setting Clients Up for Success: The Aftercare Talk
Here’s a question: who’s tired of getting those “Can I get my brows wet?” or “When do I apply the aftercare?” texts from clients? I hear you! It's so common for clients to leave our studios with only half of what we told them. But we can't afford for them to miss any steps.
We want consistency in how our work heals. We want every client to walk back into our studio for a touch-up with perfectly healed brows. That’s where a rock-solid aftercare routine comes into play. Our job doesn’t end when they leave the chair—our success depends on how well they follow through on their end of the aftercare routine.
Why Healed Work Matters
At the end of the day, our healed work is what defines us as artists. We’re not just creating beauty for the ‘gram; we’re creating lasting impressions for our clients. Aftercare isn’t just a part of the process—it is the process. And we have to be just as dedicated to it as we are to creating the work itself.
Remember: you’re only as good as your healed work. Make aftercare a priority, educate your clients, and watch your work continue to shine long after they leave your studio.

To make sure your PMU heals beautifully, follow these steps closely. Your results depend not only on my work but also on how well you take care of the treated area during the healing process!

Day of Procedure:
- Blot the Area: Every 5 minutes for the first hour, blot the treated area with a clean tissue to remove lymphatic fluid.
- Cleanse: Before bed, mix a pea-sized amount of Cleanse Aftercare with water, gently swipe it on the area, rinse, and blot dry.
- Moisturize: Apply a small amount of Glossed Aftercare to the treated area.
Days 1-10:
- Cleanse: Morning and night, wash the area gently with Cleanse Aftercare and blot dry.
- Moisturize: Apply Glossed Aftercare twice a day. For lips, apply multiple times daily.
Avoid for 10-14 Days:
- Sun exposure, sweat, and skincare products on the area.
- Do not pick or peel any flakes.
Long-Term Care:
- Wear sunscreen on the treated area.
- Avoid active ingredients like retinol.
What to Expect: Color will be bold in Week 1, dull in Weeks 2-3, and vibrant again by Weeks 4-6.